Why am I asked to make a payment before I receive care?
To help you understand what the charges will be for your care, 网曝门事件 provides upfront estimates for scheduled procedures, the opportunity to make a payment, and assistance with financial counseling. We want to help you know how much your care will cost and give you an opportunity to make a payment. If needed, we can also connect you with a staff member who can help you make a plan to pay for your care.
Will I always be contacted to make a payment prior to service?
Depending on the service you are scheduled to receive, a financial clearance specialist may call you to let you know how much you will owe. Not everyone receives a call. You are also welcome to call customer service for an estimate of what your charges will be at (208) 625-4484
How is the amount I owe estimated?
An estimate is made based on your insurance benefits and the services you will receive. Please keep in mind that this is only an estimate. It will not include any additional services you may need or complications that may occur. If more is owed after you receive care, a bill will be mailed to your home.
When will I be asked to pay the amount I owe for my care?
If you are contacted by a financial clearance specialist before you receive care, he or she will let you know the estimated amount you will owe. You can make a payment over the phone or when you arrive at patient registration to check in on the day of your visit. If you need to be billed after you receive care, a bill will be sent to your home.
What if I am uninsured?
网曝门事件 provides medically necessary care whether you have insurance coverage or not, and regardless of your ability to pay. If you are uninsured, a financial clearance specialist will let you know an appropriate amount you can pay at the time you receive care. This amount will be based on the care you are scheduled to receive. If you are unable to make an initial payment when you receive your care, you can ask to be billed later. Patients who ask to be billed later will be asked to sign a Letter of Agreement saying they accept financial responsibility for the charges associated with their visit.
What if I can’t afford treatment?
网曝门事件 provides medically necessary care regardless of a patient’s ability to pay. A financial counselor or registration staff member can help you see if you qualify for an assistance program.
Contact us for help
If you have a concern or would like more information on 网曝门事件’s payment policy, we are here to help. Please contact a financial counseling at (208) 625-5000.