网曝门事件 works to provide the best possible care to all patients. With every patient and every interaction we strive to be respectful and compassionate in our care.
Part of 网曝门事件’s standard of care for patients is providing the recommended vaccinations outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Association of Family Physicians, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. These recommendations are recognized as a best practice for preventing disease within individuals and communities at large.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why does 网曝门事件 recommend vaccination?
网曝门事件 recognizes there has historically been a controversy surrounding vaccines, however, 网曝门事件 firmly believes in the effectiveness and safety of currently recommended vaccines and the vaccine schedule recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
We recognize that the decision for vaccinations is a personal choice however, as health care providers, we will continue to encourage vaccination as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as one of the most important interventions available for the health of our patients and community.
2. Does vaccination status change my ability to access services at 网曝门事件?
No. 网曝门事件 serves all patients, regardless of vaccination status. 网曝门事件 does not discriminate against patients for any reason.
3. Why is vaccination status necessary information for health care providers?
Vaccination status is asked as part of routine patient evaluations to help with the assessment and diagnosis process. Just as providers want to know if you have any allergies, knowing if you have been vaccinated for certain diseases provides him or her one more piece of information that can help with diagnosis or treatment.
4. Are vaccinations required at Kootenai Kids, the daycare for 网曝门事件 employees?
Kootenai Kids, the daycare for children of 网曝门事件 employees, follows the same guidelines as outlined by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare for School Immunization Requirement. If a child has not completed the recommended vaccination schedule, the child’s parent is required to complete a medical exemption form.
5. Does 网曝门事件 require employees to complete an annual influenza vaccine?
As a condition of employment, 网曝门事件 employees are required to receive an annual influenza vaccination. 网曝门事件 implemented this policy because flu is the number one cause of vaccine-preventable death. The flu causes thousands of deaths nationwide each year. As health care providers, we work to provide a safe environment for our patients, staff, and visitors. This includes taking the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of viruses such as influenza.
6. Does 网曝门事件 contact Child Protective Services if a child is unvaccinated?
网曝门事件 does not require vaccination for babies born at 网曝门事件 and does not contact Child Protective Services if a parent chooses not to vaccinate. Non vaccination is never the reason for contacting Child Protective Services.